BCC | Youth Parents

BCC Youth | Parents
1st Wednesday of each month
6:30-8:00 PM

Dear Parents of Middle and High Schoolers,
I understand how life can often feel like a whirlwind of endless tasks and responsibilities, especially when it comes to looking after your kids. In the midst of this hustle and bustle, it's easy for your own well-being and friendships to take a backseat.

With the growing number of families at BCC, Iā€™m excited to introduce a monthly opportunity for youth parents to connect with others and find community and support with those who share similar parenting journeys.

I want to invite you to join us for a monthly event, taking place on the first Wednesday of each month. We'll come together over food to not only get acquainted but also delve into discussions on parenting topics that can empower and encourage you to keep at it!

So, instead of simply dropping your kids off at the door for youth group, I encourage you to step inside and spend some quality time with us. Let's strengthen our community, support one another, and grow together in faith.

Looking forward to seeing you there!